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Crushing of dissent

I was having a little Twitter tiff with Leo Hickman over the Guardian's attacks on the editor of the Spectator for publishing an article by Nils Axel Morner - an expert on sea level rises who has been fiercely critical of the IPCC's predictions. As I explained to Leo, I have no particular horse in this race - I know little about the science of sea levels - but I do have libertarian concerns over attempts to silence dissenting voices by attacking anyone who publishes them or other by other underhand methods. 

I listed a few examples for Leo's benefit:

To which Jonathan Jones added

Can readers here think of other examples of attempts to silence dissent?

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  • Response
    Response: Dowsing does work!
    Leo Hickman of the Guardian is apparently angry (as Bishop Hill mentions here) that the Spectator published an article by sea level expert Nils-Axel M�rner, an article I recycled the concluding paragraphs of as a(n) SQotD here on Thursday, and Leo Hickman isn't the only one. The general mood in the ...

Reader Comments (151)

Marion I am a fair-minded person. That is why I'm opposed to people gaining a personal advantage by dumping their business costs on others. That's what I mean by "externalising their business costs". External cost is a very simple economic concept that even people who can't tell the difference between "its"and "it's" should be able to understand.

A simple explanation at

or a few million other pages.

Dec 6, 2011 at 4:05 AM | Unregistered Commenteracementhead

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