Bishop Hill

Dear Kev

According to The Daily Climate, both the editor and publisher of Remote Sensing wrote to Kevin Trenberth to apologise for publishing the Spencer and Braswell paper.
I wonder how they phrased their letters.
Suggestions in the comments please.
Reader Comments (60)
Spencer contra Wagner
Dear Kevin,
I have failed.
Here is my editor-in-chief head on a platter. Please stick it on a pike at the Climate Village.
Shall we call this Wagnergate? Or is it just the fat Valkyrie singing?
More Wagnerian fun
Yes, the guy even marketed Remote Sensing as a "high publicity" journal.
And I've found the soft underbelly of his Institute, the nice sweet spot Dear Kev could have hit in the absence of an apology.
Ross, I totally agree. Trenberth is a total embarrassment to any intelligent Kiwi.
Kev, I received the notice today regarding SciVerse Scopus removing our content from their database which would utterly cripple Remote Sensing Journal's relevance. I will issue an apology and resign as editor. Please see that the Scopus action is reversed.
Is it possible that this whole episode was caused by the 56000 and counting, downloads. Did someone point this out to Kev. Did he panic and decide that he had to do something to counteract the popularity of this paper. His obvious outragious outburst and probably libellous tirade against fellow scientists appear to be the product of unfettered anger.
Just a thought.
O most esteemed Lord Trenberth, prince of NCAR, I humbly beseech thee not to admonish me for my trangressions against the edits of warming. Please do not transmit electronic beams to the gods at NSF requesting that I be banned from sitting at the government grant table of plenty. Forgive me most pious Trenberth. Please grant me a public audience wherein I may grovel at your feet and kiss your glorious AGW ring of power. Speak only the words and I shall set forth a ringing public apology.
We are not worthy! We are not worthy!
come on; think 'Yes Minister' or UK civil service between the wars.
The resignation letter effectively says :
there is nothing wrong with the science
there is nothing wrong with the people who peer reviewed the paper
there is nothing wrong with the peer review process
The peer review process worked - the paper was corrected
There was no scientific or peer review reason NOT to publish the paper.
However I am being forced to resign because some one thinks that the reviewers failed to apply the Gospel of MMCGW to the review process.
And then his letter of apology is to (in the classic British Civil Service maneuver) the person or organistaion who bought illegal and/or underhand pressure to bear; resulting in the refusal to do something; leaving the victim no alternative but to resign.
The 'apology' would there fore be something along the lines of
I feel I must appologise that no one has as yet figured out just how corrupt your associates have made Climate Science. I sincerly regret having been forced to resign and apologise most profusly for being unable to continue to fight the myriad and diverse hints and threats that were made to me should I fail to totally refute the paper. I further appologise for being unable to publish the utter garbage that I was instructed to publish as a peer reviewed paper under the heading of 'Lies; Deciept and the Corruption of Science' which is where such utter drival truly belongs.
I also appologise that I could not publish the truth behind the whole sordid affair.
I appologise whole heatedly to you that there is no criminal investigation taking place; however; I do hope that this oversight will be rectified in the not to distant future. When it does; you may be assured that I will do everything in my power to ensure that this episode is drawn to the attention of the correct and appropriate authorities.
Considering Travesty Trenberth™'s known facility with "reconstructions" (he has a rather unfortunate habit of failing to notice emails he's received while inventing stuff he hasn't), I think it's important to examine the "full context" of these alleged apologies from Wolf (and his publisher) to Kev. With the assistance of a very capable (but outsourced) E-mail grabber, I herewith produce the "source" of these alleged apologies:
Kev ->Wolf [Aug 5, 2011]
Wolf->Kev [Aug 6, 2011]
Kev->Wolf [Aug 10, 2011]
Wolf->Kev [Aug 11, 2011]
cc RS Publisher
RS Publisher->Kev [Aug 12, 2011]
cc Wolf
Kev->RS Publisher [Aug 12, 2011]
cc Wolf
RS Publisher->Kev [Aug 13, 2011]
cc Wolf
RS Editorial Team->Kev [Aug. 20, 2011]
cc Wolf
Kev->Wolf [Aug. 21, 2011]
Wolf->Kev [Aug. 31, 2011]
Kev->WSJ [Sep. 1, 2011]
cc Abraham, Gleick
WSJ->Kev [Sep. 1, 2011]
Kev->WSJ [Sep. 1, 2011]
cc Abraham, Gleick