by Bishop Hill
Government surveillance of windfarm protestor
Jan 10, 2012 Civil liberties Energy: wind
In an eerie echo of the use of anti-terrorist police to investigate Climategate, the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change has apparently authorised the use of surveillance to delve into the background of a windfarm protestor.
The victim, George Watson, is going to sue.
Appalling, if true.
H/T Ben Pile
A correction. RIPA is not strictly "antiterrorism law", as I originally characterised it above. It applies to criminal and terrorism activities. I've changed the headline and text accordingly.
Reader Comments (54)
blank page for me to, late to this thread, has it been pulled?
A flavour of what was there can be seen at this EPAW page (at time of writing) but the links are dead.
Reality check at 13.46 on Friday 13th (ha..!) January - wind producing 0.4% of demand - equates to 5.6% of available capacity...
Fills you with comfort that these monstrosities figure so prominently in the government's future energy policies, doesn't it..?
Sorry - forgot - from 2020 onwards, by UK law, wind will blow constantly in every corner of the Kigdom at 25mph....
A copy of this letter is stillavailable here at Tallbloke's site