Richard Black has been chatting to some environmentalists (I kid you not) and they've told him that the government isn't as green as they said they were going to be. There is concern that there is going to be a dash for gas.
"There are growing pressures to create a UK energy system very heavily dominated by gas," Michael Grubb, chair of energy and environment policy at Cambridge University, told BBC News.
"There's a risk that the government is trying to give the gas industry assurances that could be misleading because they are not compatible with all we know about climate change."
Michael Grubb? Who he?
Tom Wigley, in Climategate email #2547 helpfully provides some background:
I know that [economists] Rich Richels and Jae Edmonds have a very low opinion of him (as do I). He has no formal background in economics, even though he claims to do credible economic analyses. Basically, he is a "greenie"; and he bends his "science" to suit his ideological agenda.
Just the man for a BBC interview then.