Outside again
Some time ago, Graham Stringer MP tried to ascertain from the University of East Anglia how much was paid to its PR advisers, the Outside Organisation. Readers may remember that the boss of this company was arrested as part of the phone hacking scandal.
The university, not unexpectedly, refused to release the data, citing commercial interests and confidentiality, and in due course Stringer's request was passed to the Information Commissioner. Last week, in the face of a preliminary finding from the commissioner's office that they would find against the university, Professor Acton et al took a step back and finally released the requested information.
£112,870.71 was paid to the Outside Organisation for their services
It's an expensive business running a cover-up.
I have an outstanding appeal of my own with the commissioner, which with a bit of luck will reveal the related correspondence. The decision of the commissioner gives me at least reasonable hope of success.
The letter to Stringer is here.
Leo Hickman picks up on the story here.
Reader Comments (52)
The Graun have finally decided to run this story. Poor Leo is not sure how to play it, so he's asked his readers.
First comment from 'smog bound'-
"I think they should send the bill to James Delingpole'.
Priceless !
Hickman says, “UEA has now issued a statement providing some background to this figure [£112,870.71]”:
Springer should be upset that UEA paid public monies to a private PR firm for the purpose of preparing UEA staff before appearing at an official UK gov’t hearing about ‘climategate’; a hearing upon which Springer as a UK gov’t representative sat. Springer should be incensed that the UEA did anything but come forward to tell the plain truth without consulting any private PR firm about coordinating their stories or spin or PR. If I was Springer then I would be mad as hell.