Sharp-eyed reader Woodentop has noted a fascinating snippet in the evidence submitted to the Levenson inquiry into the relationship between the media and government, currently running into its umpteenth month in London.
The document in question (see link below, an excerpt from a much larger set of documents) is an email from Rupert Murdoch's European public affair boss, Frederic Michel, to the great media mogul himself. It outlines meetings he has had with the advisers of the prime minister, David Cameron, and his deputy, Nick Clegg. It appears that there are a series of proposals for Murdoch's News Corporation to assist the government's public relations efforts - copyright issues and Cameron's "Big Society" programme are mentioned. The quid pro quo appears to be the regulatory clearance of News Corp's bid to buy the shares of Sky TV that it did not already own.
At the end comes the interesting bit - what appears to be another bit of mutual backscratching:
Proposition for News Corp to attend a ministerial Climate Change meeting with Chris Huhne and No 10 to present our strategy so far.
How very, very interesting!