Lords of topsy-turvy land

Shale? It's killin the ozone layer, innit?The House of Lords is also talking shale gas this morning. The Economic Affairs Committee is discussing the economic impacts and, like their colleagues in the lower house, decided that the right people to speak to are a group of people who oppose economic development on principle (they took evidence from the experts a couple of weeks ago).
I have no objection to their lordships listening to Swampy et al, but the point has to be made again and again: where is the voice of the taxpayer and the consumer, the voice of those campaigning for economic development and jobs? What is it that members of both houses of Parliament have against ordinary people?
Reader Comments (52)
Re: Oct 23, 2013 at 11:31 PM | SayNoToFearmongers
Yes, interesting isn't it those little quirks of language - I particularly like this observation -
"Meteoric” has acquired a meaning almost opposite to the one it started out with. The writer… describing the company’s rise as meteoric, meant to convey that it has been swift and spectacular. But meteors do not rise; they fall. They blaze briefly in the night sky and as quickly disappear. So a meteoric career is one of spectacular success followed by sudden oblivion."
'sudden oblivion' ..... one can but hope!!!
Time for some direct democracy. Taxpayers foot the bill but are treated as servants not
masters of the political system. Seems to this serf, we are ruled by faceless power
brokers and elistist progressivists who dominate our institutions and are more attentive
to UN directives than the interests of the electorate they are supposed ter to serve. Time
to press for Citizen Initiated Referenda, Recall Elections, Citizens' Veto on unpopular
existing laws like carbon taxes, and let's reintroduce grand juries. Beth the serf.