Transparency and culpability
Oct 28, 2013
Bishop Hill in Climate: Parliament, Energy: costs, Energy: grid, Media

I return to the blogging saddle to find little changed. The Guardian's campaign to put the lights out continues apace, promoting a campaign to get universities to divest from fossil fuel companies and trying to pin the blame for power system chaos on the big six energy firms.

Looking on the bright side, there are at least the hint of some changes in the government line:

Some green charges will be scrapped while others will be taken off bills and instead funded by Government directly. If extra public money is needed to pay for this, that will be provided by additional spending cuts.

I imagine that no charges will be scrapped, although at least we might get some transparency over costs if they become direct rather than hidden in power bills. If so, it would be interesting to see if the Guardian's campaign against the energy companies holds water.



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