Salby in London
Feb 24, 2015
Bishop Hill in Diary dates

Another date for your diaries...

Prof. Murry Salby presents

Control of Atmospheric CO2

His new research applies observed changes of climate and atmospheric tracers to resolve the budget of atmospheric carbon dioxide. It reveals the mechanisms behind the evolution of CO2, including its increase during the 20th century. Thereby, the analysis determines the respective roles of human and natural sources of CO2, with an upper bound on the contribution from fossil fuel emission.

Tuesday 17th March, 7.00 for 7.30pm

Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street SW1P 3DW

Westminster tube, then a ten minute walk past Parliament, turn right up Great Peter St. then 4th left into Marsham St. The EC entrance is ~30 yards on the left. Or bus number 507 from Victoria to the corner of Horseferry Road and Marsham Street.

Free admission (donations welcome) but please book: 01480 399098

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