Discussion > A Debating Motion- Sea level rise is a threat.
More likely to be Embittered Watermelons, I would have thought, with faces that could sour milk.
The flyer beggars belief.
"Marine life depends on microscopic organisms to thrive, but their ability to convert the Sun’s energy into viable food sources may be under threat.
They're not even referring to corals, but suggesting that photosynthetic organisms in general will be harmed by CO2 (or maybe they are suggesting that the oceans are going to run out of water and sunlight). Just when you think they can't get any worse, they suddenly do.
Ye gods and little fishes! You don’t suppose that they are not scientists but druids and shamans, do you? Mind you, Lord Monckton had similar “scientists” against him in a Senate (?) hearing about OA (which seems to be shorthand for ocean acidification… erm… isationising); while the good lord used plain, simple science, fully supported by the IPCC, the senators (?) could only jest (badly, and with appalling taste) about his name, while the "scientists" could only wax lyrical about the transient beauty of sea butterflies.
As for Telford, he is a taint upon that name, the more honourable and noble holder of which will be spinning in his grave.
Another great post by Steve McIntyre that puts more doubt on Marcott's scyth. "In my opinion, Marcott’s centering method disguises the real variation of mid-Holocene estimates"
How many proxies do there have to be before it's reasonable to say 'we need to rethink our definition of warm and rapid in respect to the last 10000 years.'
Paul Homewood has done some interesting work on the UK sealevels. Looks like things were worse in models than reality for the UK.
The conclusion, as far as the UK is concerned, is clear. Far from accelerating, as we are told global sea level rise is, sea level rise has actually been decelerating in both the last 30 years, and in the last decade.
A pint of Bitter Lemon ?
Would that be acid enough ;)