Discussion > UK Events/lectures etc. - until July 2016
Our old friends from Reading University continue evangelising Green Religion and preaching doom
Wednesday May 4, 7:00 PM Henley Business School Whiteknights campus.
'Melting ice in Antarctica : The Fairbrother Lecture 2016
'A slippery situation: melting ice in Antarctica'" This lecture is being presented by Sammie Buzzard, a final year doctoral researcher from the Department
Sammie will discuss some of the key issues around global warming and climate change; in particular, the collapse of ice shelves in Antarctica.
Sammie’s doctoral research aims to help us better predict the speed and rate at which these ice shelves – one twice the size of Wales - will continue to melt and she will explain the wider impact of this occurrence. Sammie will also highlight some of the challenges of researching one of the most inhospitable places on earth....Source Page
Admission is free but places are limited. must reserve Here
Monday, April 25, 2016
9:30 AM WINCHESTER UNI.... Basingstoke Cafe Sci
Lecture "Climate Change: Life and Death"
by Professor John Broome from the University of Oxford
.............Climate change will shorten lives and it will affect the number of people who will be born.
Prof. Broome will concentrate on issues of value concerned with judging the harm that climate change will do, and the benefits of measures to control it.
................organised by Winchester Action on Climate Change
Pity the Winchester Action on Climate Change couldn't be persuaded to add "Initiative" to their name, so becoming WACCI.
Suggest the only life shortening likely to happen is if a denier turns up and heckles.
OK this is a follow up thread from UK Events/lectures etc. - until Easter 2016