"Climate, indeed, is a subject upon which the most extravagant and unreasonable statements are made. Not only do many men, even of much scientific information, imagine that within the short scope of their own recollection they can detect a permanent change in weather or some phenomenon, which would involve a connected change over all the regions of the earth, but they even assert that man’s muscular strength and mental ingenuity can affect such changes."
[William Stanley Jevons (1859) 'Some Data Concerning the Climate of Australia and New Zealand' Waugh’s Australian Almanac, page 79. Cited in Gaither's Dictionary of Scientific Quotations, pages 260-261.]
C-Capture could bring cleaner energy to the North East
THSI reference for your grace:
Strong article from Richard Littlejohn. First time I have seen the point made about freezing windmills drawing power from the grid, don't know whether this is deduction on his part or evidence based.
John Lyon
More breakfast misanthropy on the Today programme as matthu points out, and gets its own iplayer promo here:
The bbc masterfully juxtaposing Craig Bennett of Friends of the Earth with Whitehall warmist Spelman in drought-tastic homage to UN Agenda 21's Sustainable Development, we get back-slapping agreement from Humphrey's incredulous but faux consternation. Spelman vacuously declared:
"Climate change is bringing more extreme weather events, more frequently... sometimes more floods...and also very severe winters, we've had two very severe winters, so we will by the end of this year.... we need to build resilience". 7'50
But the devil is in the detail, as we realise when Spelman pronounces:
"We need to build resilience... and adapt...the planning regime which is incredibly important...is going to be informed to put sustainable development at its heart... If the water infrastructure isn't there is very pertinent to the question of sustainable development.
I guess the only positive is that the word "adapt" was in there. But maybe that was a slip of the tongue.
This morning on BBC Radio 4 Caroline Spelman was blaming climate change for the drought in East Anglia.
This is contradicted by what UEA had to say in 2008:
Until the late 1990s, most areas of the UK had seen a decreasing contribution of extreme rainfall during the summer. The updated measurements indicate that this trend towards lighter summer rainfall reversed during the last decade, but it is too early to tell whether this new trend will continue into the future.“So far it is not clear what causes these trends and variations. In the next stage of our study, we will be looking at possible physical mechanisms and whether man-made global warming is contributing,” explained Dr Maraun.
Monckton's talk is scheduled as
How many beans make five?
Math lessons for climate-crazed lawmakers.Topic TBC
And from Australia we have the news that the government CSIRO is a sponsor of the AMEC (Association of Mining and Exploration Companies) conference on 30 June at which Viscount Christopher Monckton will be speaking ...
Monckton will address the notion that
A Carbon Tax will
Adventures in fudging:
Lewis JE, DeGusta D, Meyer MR, Monge JM, Mann AE, et al. (2011) The Mismeasure of Science: Stephen Jay Gould versus Samuel George Morton on Skulls and Bias. PLoS Biol 9(6): e1001071. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001071
Climate change 'deniers' (there's that word again) linked to Isalmophopes and other right-wing nutjobs by Leo Hickman in The Guardian.
And I keep thinking they can't go any lower.