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Entries by Josh (345)


Next Steps in Climate Science - Cartoon notes

Updated on Oct 4, 2013 by Registered CommenterJosh

Following Katabasis report here are the first of my cartoon notes from the 'Next steps in climate science' meeting at the Royal Society today. I will add to this page and update with colour as and when I can. I am already looking forward to tomorrow - today was a blast!

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Intergovernmental AR5 patch up - Josh 240

AR5 has landed and the press conference didn't disappoint, it was laugh out loud at times. 

Cartoons by Josh


BREAKING! IPCC responds - Josh 239

We are all very excited about the IPCC Summary for Policymakers coming tomorrow, Friday 27th September, but today we can reveal an exclusive pre-press conference handy crib sheet to all your questions. Yes, all of them. Thanks to all those who asked 5 questions - here are the 5 answers...

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The 'D' Notice - Josh 238

Every other Alarmist tweet these days seems to have the 'D' word in it - is there something happening soon that they are getting excited about?

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A cartoon week - Josh 237

It's been a funny old week. Leo Hickman announced his departure from the Guardian - another Eco-journalist biting the dust - then rumours that Bob Ward used to be a punk swirled round Twitter.

But of course the big news is that Climate Scientists have discovered that the oceans have a big influence on Global Temperatures. Who knew? Oh, yes, that's right. You lot did ;-)

First up, we say 'Bye' to Leo and wish him well in his new job.

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Fracking far away - Josh 236

This is a bit of a long image so probably best not to take over the whole of the blog front page...

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A Fracking Time - Josh 235

There is so much to cartoon about Fracking at the moment that it is hard to keep up. I chose how long it takes to Frack a well, and I think water has to be next. And many thanks to James Verdon for all the information and checking. I am learning a lot!

Cartoons by Josh


An Epistle from Balcombe - Josh 234

Let's hope the wonderful letter from Alison Stevenson, Chairman of the Balcombe Parish Council, will get some attention from both the 'No dash for Gas' protestors at Balcombe and the mainstream media. Slim chance, of course, but one has to do one's bit.

Click the image for a slightly larger version

Cartoons by Josh


Fracking concerns - Josh 233


Given the recent protests about Fracking, I thought some cartoons on the subject might be a good idea.

Suggestions for further Fract Sheets are very welcome!

Cartoons by Josh

Update: Andrew pointed out that the birds were missing in the Wind Turbine half of the cartoon. Now added.


John and Dana in trouble at school. Again. Josh 232

Click the image for a larger version

 Worth repeating from this post.

The prominent climatologist Mike Hulme has slammed the Cook et al 97% "nonsensus" paper in a comment at the Nottingham University Making Science Public blog.

The blog post at Nottingham University and the subsequent comments are well worth reading. 

(If you want to know where the 'Tree Hut' nickname comes from you can see its origins here)

Cartoons by Josh


Wasted energy - Josh 231


From the video yesterday. Around about 16:49:45 - kind of summarises the whole debate ;-)

Cartoons by Josh  


You get what you pay for - Josh 230


Apparently Dana Nuccitelli works for the fossil fuel industry, see here and here, so I thought a cartoon of him at work would be helpful. If you want to get the slightly obscure but apposite references to Drillbit then Google is your friend ;-)

Cartoons by Josh


Climate of smear - Josh 229

Story on BH here, at WUWT here, with a response from the University here. Jo Nova has similar posts here and here too. 

Cartoons by Josh


Ross McKitrick: an evidence-based approach to pricing CO2 emissions - cartoon notes by Josh

Here are my cartoon notes of a paper presented today by Prof Ross McKitrick, hosted by The GWPF in one of the committee rooms in the House of Lords, Westminster, London, UK. The title is "An evidence-based approach to pricing CO2 emissions". It was intellectually stretching, intriguing and elegant. Ross' brilliance is that he makes the complicated sound simple.

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Sans raison - Josh 228

Andrew Simms hilariously titled article is here. It is so funny I have just repeated it. He seems to be worried that we might have too much prosperity, be able to keep the lights on for longer and generally ignore mad renewable schemes like Wind turbines for many many years. This sounds like great news to me. 

Cartoons by Josh