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Entries by Josh (345)


Shaun of the dead blade - Josh 212

Shaun Marcott's much discussed FAQ includes reference to Michael Mann's infamous Hockey Stick, which, of course, has been comprehensively de-wooded by our esteemed host. Marcott thinks his results are, you know, just like the Hockey Stick graph results. Who are we to disagree?

Cartoons by Josh


No joke - Josh 211

The Marcott FAQ at Real Climate has been causing comment over the Easter weekend, particularly at Climate Audit. Roger Pielke Jr also has an excellent post, aptly titled Fixing the Marcott Mess in Climate Science.

Roger writes in the comments:

"There are a few bad eggs, with the Real Climate mafia being among them, who are exploiting climate science for personal and political gain. Makes the whole effort look bad."

H/t to Anthony at WUWT for requesting this cartoon.

Posted by Josh


The Age of Global Warming - Josh 210

There was a book event at The GWPF this week where Rupert Darwall presented his new book called 'The Age of Global Warming'. Josh was there taking some cartoon notes.

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Well sampled science - Josh 209


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Apologies for the lack of cartoons this month but I have been snowed under (!) with the day job. Even sadder when the Climate Blogosphere has had so much hilarious material on offer. This cartoon was inspired by Steve McIntyre's posts on the Marcottian redating of cores. How do they get away with this stuff?

Cartoons by Josh 


Lindzen at the Oxford Union - Cartoon Notes by Josh

Updated on Jul 15, 2013 by Registered CommenterJosh

The Oxford Union debate with Richard Lindzen was one of the most fun Climate Science events I have been to recently. Here are my cartoon notes to add to the Bish's post and other comments.

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Inconsolable - Josh 208

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Last week Leo Hickman got into a bit of a tiz with sceptic blogs being nominated for the Weblog Awards, known as the 'Bloggies'. The Bloggies have been going for some years now and sceptic blogs have had a good showing, Watts Up With That has won twice, since the science blog category was introduced.

So what had changed this year to upset Leo? Well this year James Delingpole has been nominated. 

So hurry over there now and vote - there is still time!

Cartoons by Josh


Spamvertising - Josh 207

A bit of an anniversary cartoon as it was a year ago this month that The Tree Hut Gang were were exposed in Opengate. Now they have branched out into Spamvertising (H/t Lucia) with Al Gore's Climate Reality Project. Read about on BH here, Lucia's here and WUWT here.

Let's hope they keep up this kind of tactic, it is so entertaining.

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Cartoons by Josh




The Smart Money - Josh 206

I wonder who will benefit the most from Smart Meters?

Cartoons by Josh


Energy, just like old times - Josh 205


It's an all-out media war against the Green Energy Lobby says The GWPF

Excellent, carry on!

Cartoons by Josh

(and spelling corrected, thank you!)



Curtain call - Josh 204

Prompted by Shub

Cartoons by Josh 


Climate change fast & loose food - Josh 203

Roger Pielke Jr has a must read post on the link between the UK's horsemeat in burgers scandal and Climate change, which is both timely and clever. And it inspired this cartoon.

Many thanks Roger!

Cartoons by Josh



Tweeting Ehrlich - Josh 202


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Cartoons by Josh


Huhne cartuhne - Josh 200

Chris Huhe pleads guilty and the BBC chief political correspondent Norman Smith says: "We can safely say that his political career is over."

Cartoons by Josh


Zickfeld folly - Josh 199

James Annan writes on his blog here

"Interestingly, one of them stated quite openly in a meeting I attended a few years ago that he deliberately lied in these sort of elicitation exercises (i.e. exaggerating the probability of high sensitivity) in order to help motivate political action."

Great, nice to know. However I am not sure if regular readers here are surprised. 

Cartoons by Josh


Mr Opportunity - Josh 198

Climat Depot reports on Al Gore's appearence on the David Letterman show. Al tells David 'There's a lot of opportunity in this crisis'. From Green tech to Oil funded Al Jazeera to Apple he has certainly done rather well.

Cartoons by Josh