Discussion > President Trump
As expected, nary a mention here of the total f++k up interview given by President Trump where his great grasp of politics, policy and viruses was fully visible for all to see. Puts the Prince Andrew interview to shame.
I always suspected nobody clicks on my links..... ;-)
Careful AK, around here pointing out the Orange Man's manifest flaws is merely proof that you are deranged ;-)
"Puts the Prince Andrew interview to shame.
Aug 5, 2020 at 11:55 AM AK"
Biden can give a clear message, if he is allowed to be interviewed.
I always suspected nobody clicks on my links..... ;-)
Aug 5, 2020 at 12:20 PM Phil Clarke
97% are Unreliable.
Phil. From the outset of this discussion thread I have not appreciated Trump’s mathematical and observational skills (re estimating inauguration crowd sizes). But I quickly get tired of rowing against a tide. Missed your link - sorry. Should have written “nary a discussion” instead.
AK, you could consider some of the evidence of corruption
GolfCharly. I was concerned by the latest evidence of profound bias and the ignoring of negative evidence regarding Trump as exhibited here. Also I have not noticed much swamp clearance as promised by the beloved one.
Clarky - I always check your links.
The interview was a car crash.
The question remains... is Biden a viable alternative - given that it's a binary choice? Granted if you're a fan of Pelosi, Schiff, AOC, Swalwell et al you might think so - but that would seal the deal on derangement.
Why did Obamah pick Biden as VP?
Also I have not noticed much swamp clearance as promised by the beloved one.
Aug 5, 2020 at 2:35 PM AK
The swamp have been making up evidence to sabotage and carry out political assassinations. It makes the EU, Climate Science and Momentum appear honest.
Also I have not noticed much swamp clearance as promised by the beloved one.
Meet the new boss, so much worse than the old boss.
All you have to do is Google 'Trump+Corruption' ...
In 2011, 2014 and 2015 Trump pledged to release his tax returns, a promise he has never kept.
Et Cetera, Et Cetera ad nauseum.
All you have to do is Google 'Trump+Corruption' ...Duckduck go Biden corruption
Bumped for breaking news: Sally Yates has thrown Comey under the bus.
Aug 6, 2020 at 1:03 AM Phil Clarke
Climate Science is based on 97% lies, fraud and corruption. When are you going to get honest and throw out the trash? Or is the money too good to give up?
Amazing how whenever misdemeanours du Trump appear here, out comes the soothing balm of climate change and the enema of democratic misdemeanours. So very predictable.
Amazing how whenever misdemeanours du Trump appear here....
Aug 6, 2020 at 8:40 AM AK
How many misdemeanours of Trump do you believe in, that are in reality, fabricated fakery by Democrats and Climate Scientists?
GC. Amazing just how quickly you demonstrate my point for me.
GC. Amazing just how quickly you demonstrate my point for me.
Aug 6, 2020 at 11:46 AM AK
AK. Amazing just how quickly you demonstrate my point for me.
Aug 6, 2020 at 11:46 AM AK
Is there a need, and would it be legal for Trump supporters to assemble a genuine or faked dossier, using foreign agents, to question Biden's competence?
What about framing Biden associates, using Classified Information that was phoney and leaking it to the press as factual?
If your idea of democracy is that anything is permissable to get the result you want, that makes you an Extremist. Whether Fascist or Communist is not relevant, it is a standard ploy of both. How many Republicans should be imprisoned as a result of Democrat lies? Wouldn't the World be safer if the FBI didn't frame people on Democrat Orders?
What “point” were you trying to make GC? Fakery is certainly not confined to Democrats, nor are your favourite betes noir (climate scientists) all fakers. Yet from multiple posts here, you would think so.
Aug 6, 2020 at 1:36 PM AK
"97% of Climate Scientists" is fake, but supported by 97% of Climate Scientists. The honest ones have been defunded and driven out.
I have never had an opinion on US Elections before. I was pleased when Obama was elected. Now it emerges that he was in charge of crimes against US Citizens, and may have had a personal interest.
You still believe in Trump's guilt based on the Steele Dossier and other lies before and since, as do so many others, because the BBC and MSM have never admitted their part in a continued political assassination.
What sort of Dossier should be compiled and released about Biden and his VP running mate ordained to succeed him if elected?
it ain't clear what he believes....
We can see that Orange Man is high on his list of dislikes but as yet no hint if he thinks "Russia Collusion", "Ukranian quid pro quo" etcetera are legitimate methods to deploy in an attempt to depose / disrupt a duly elected POTUS?
... and who might AK offer as a replacement for Beelzebub?
Andrew Weissman and his crew / choir are getting wobbly and lashing out ..... it seems that his present eruption of public statements might just be related to a possible charge of obstruction of justice - which would be nice, real nice.
GC. My views upon climate science have no real authority. I read widely about the subject but as a scholar. I have done no original research and published nothing. When I lectured on the subject I announced all this and told my students that I was providing them with additional information. So when it comes to deciding upon the veracity of climate science scare stories I’m almost 100% convinced they’re wrong, but there still lingers a small doubt - this based upon the fact that I knew several climate scientists whom I respected and whom I can’t totally dismiss.
With regard to Trump, I admit I have never liked him and during his presidency that negative opinion has grown. I have had both Democrat and Republican friends when I lived in the USA, so I know how to identify flaws in both parties so the biased anti-Democrat bias here seems to me to be wrong. I can’t vote for anyone in the US, even when I lived there and payed taxes, so I don’t bother myself with the various devices that both parties employ to smear the other. So GC I am not biased by the Steel Dossier, because I have not concerned myself with it. My opinion upon Trump is based upon his own bragging words and texts, his broken promises, his inability to understand complexity and the threat he poses IMHO to democracy and world peace. Yes he may have the correct attitude to climate change but IMHO that is not enough. As to who should succeed him, well fortunately I have no say in the matter. The best thing to hope for is that a more worthy and scientifically literate candidate appears or Biden picks such a running mate and Biden has quickly to relinquish his presidency due to ill health. But my political wishes in recent years have crashed and burned,
"Yeah right. Must suck to be you.
Aug 5, 2020 at 2:01 AM Phil Clarke"
Time for Climate Scientists and US Democrats to fabricate more faked up evidence,.