Never doubt that you can make a difference. One organised person in each marginal electorate who is dedicated to work against the carbon tax will most definitely be noticed, with trepidation, by the member there. One person to find a venue for skeptics to meet, one person to act as a lightning rod for the anger, frustration and resentment that hundreds of people feel. We don’t have to organize rallies. Groups of people wandering the streets with flyers to put in letterboxes will be noticed. There must be local businesses who’d be happy to print copies. And there must be local people who like to walk for exercise who’d enjoy letterboxing — and even more so, with good company.Of course, we need to let the local member know how keen we are to inform the electorate.
The International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) was established by scientists with the aim of saving the Earth and all life on it.”
The parallels with how the IPCC started is interesting, small group of scientists met, etc,etc
Issued press reeases, etc,etc like minded, focus groups with like minded, this is how groupthink can happen (any area of science)
Global warming - climate change - ocean 'acidification'
Early days perhaps - but they have made some headlines ie BBC
take a look at the photo - Why is there always one guy that looks like Gavin Schmidt or Mike Mann ;) ! (some unknown law of science, man with goatee required)
(ref Parallels to early days IPCC)
"A high-level international workshop convened by IPSO met at the University of Oxford earlier this year. It was the first inter-disciplinary international meeting of marine scientists of its kind and was designed to consider the cumulative impact of multiple stressors on the ocean, including warming, acidification, and overfishing.
The 3 day workshop, co-sponsored by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), looked at the latest science across different disciplines.
The 27 participants from 18 organisations in 6 countries produced a grave assessment of current threats — and a stark conclusion about future risks to marine and human life if the current trajectory of damage continues: that the world's ocean is at high risk of entering a phase of extinction of marine species unprecedented in human history.
Is the scary language, unprecdented, extinctions, etc to get attention, or do they mean it.. do you suppose?
sorry to be a cynic.... deniers have all the fun.
Re Mann's latest contribution to the game of hockey ..
It's nice to see his 'team' referring to a "Mediaeval Climate Anomaly" (by which I assume he means the Mediaeval Warm Period) and "a cooler period, known as the Little Ice Age, which persisted until the late 19th century".
Welcome to the real world.
I know we've all been waiting for this:
Mann's new sea-level based hockeystick reconstructed from microfossils called foraminifera preserved in sediment cores from coastal salt marshes in North Carolina ...
IPSO - seem concerned!
"The situation is now so severe that we are altering the chemistry of the Ocean, with significant impacts on marine life and the functioning of marine ecosystems.
The Ocean has already absorbed more than 80% of the heat added to the climate system and around 33% of the carbon dioxide emitted by humans. Ecosystems are collapsing as species are pushed to extinction and natural habitats are destroyed. Scientists believe that there is still time to prevent irreversible, catastrophic changes to our marine ecosystems but that this requires drastic action within a decade.
IPSO – modest bunch – see mission statement (front page website)
“The International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) was established by scientists with the aim of saving the Earth and all life on it.”
Straight out of a science fiction B-movie: scientists; “saving the Earth and ALL LIFE ON IT”
Is it me, or do they just sound silly.
Ross H:
Yes Richard Black in full cut-and paste alarmist mode - unprecedented, worse than we thought, climate change
The oceans are in a worse state than previously suspected, according to an expert panel of scientists.In a new report, they warn that ocean life is "at high risk of entering a phase of extinction of marine species unprecedented in human history".
They conclude that issues such as over-fishing, pollution and climate change are acting together in ways that have not previously been recognised.
"Serena Skye
Contributing Weather Forecaster"
Is that for real? Mind you, we have a local window cleaner called Seymour...
NASA caught hiding sunspot data to prop up dying global warming cult.